Who Are You, Really?歌词 歌手Mikky Ekko-专辑Reds-单曲《Who Are You, Really?》LRC歌词下载

alkaid摇光2022-02-18  97

导读:《Who Are You, Really?》歌词 歌手Mikky Ekko的专辑Reds单曲《Who Are You, Really?》LRC歌词下载,《Who Are You, Really?》歌词分享。…

Who Are You, Really?歌词 歌手Mikky Ekko-专辑Reds-单曲《Who Are You, Really?》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《Who Are You, Really?》
歌手:Mikky Ekko

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《Who Are You, Really?》歌词:

[00:24.940]So you're feeling tied up to a sense of control [00:28.000]And make decisions that you think are your own [00:30.360]You are a stranger here, why have you come? [00:32.720]Why have you come, lift me higher, let me look at the sun [00:36.590]Look at the sun and once I hear them clearly, say [00:40.230]Who, who are you really? [00:45.130]And where-ere are you going? [00:50.160]I've got nothing left to prove [00:52.760]Cause I've got nothing left to lose [00:55.120]See me bare my teeth for you [00:57.630]Who, who are you? [01:05.810]Eeee, Eeee, Eeee [01:25.110]Now you're moving on and you say you're alone [01:27.020]Suspicious that this string is moving your bones [01:31.850]We are the fire, we see how they run [01:34.750]See how they run, lift me higher, let me look at the sun [01:38.510]Look at the sun and once I hear them clearly, say [01:42.340]Who, who are you really? [01:47.320]And where-ere are you going? [01:49.780]I've got nothing left to prove [01:52.090]Cause I've got nothing left to lose [01:54.700]See me bare my teeth for you [01:55.300]See me bare my teeth [01:58.460]Who, who are you really? [02:03.310]And where-ere are you going? [02:08.860]I've got nothing left to prove [02:11.160]Cause I've got nothing left to lose [02:13.960]See me bare my teeth for you [02:16.960]Who, who are you? [by:干拔奥义] [00:24.940]你感觉自己被束缚控制 [00:28.000]你开始自己拿主意 [00:30.360]这里对你是陌生的,你为何而来? [00:32.720]你为何而来,举高我,让我远眺太阳 [00:36.590]目光聚焦太阳,我能清楚地听到他们说 [00:40.230]你,到底是谁? [00:45.130]你要去何方? [00:50.160]我不需要证明什么 [00:52.760]因为我一无所有 [00:55.120]因为你我张牙舞爪 [00:57.630]你,到底是谁? [01:05.810]Eee,Eee,Eee [01:25.110]你说你已经走出了过去,你说你很孤单 [01:27.020]可我怀疑你心里还绷着一根弦 [01:31.850]我们是烈火,能驱赶一切 [01:34.750]眼看着他们如何逃离这烈火,举高我,让我远眺太阳 [01:38.510]目光聚焦太阳,我能清楚地听到他们说 [01:42.340]你,到底是谁? [01:47.320]你要去何方? [01:49.780]我不需要证明什么 [01:52.090]因为我一无所有 [01:54.700]因为你我张牙舞爪 [01:55.300]我真的怒了 [01:58.460]你,到底是谁? [02:03.310]你要去何方? [02:08.860]我不需要证明什么 [02:11.160]因为我一无所有 [02:13.960]因为你我张牙舞爪 [02:16.960]你,到底是谁?

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