On the Train Ride Home歌词 歌手The Paper Kites-专辑On the Train Ride Home-单曲《On the Train Ride Home》LRC歌词下载

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导读:《On the Train Ride Home》歌词 歌手The Paper Kites的专辑On the Train Ride Home单曲《On the Train Ride Home》LRC歌词下载,《On the Train Rid…

On the Train Ride Home歌词 歌手The Paper Kites-专辑On the Train Ride Home-单曲《On the Train Ride Home》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《On the Train Ride Home》
歌手:The Paper Kites
专辑:On the Train Ride Home

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《On the Train Ride Home》歌词:

[00:00.000] 作词 : Sam Bentley [00:01.000] 作曲 : Sam Bentley [00:28.11]Waiting down at the station [00:36.18]I don't remember [00:40.68]I think it was late then [00:46.35]Standing always so quiet [00:54.62]We're like elevators [00:59.53]Filled up with strangers [01:05.36]No sound no hallelujahs [01:13.27]Still I was praying on the train ride home [01:22.49]That I can get the things I want [01:27.16]I can get the things I want [01:31.76]Give me what I need [01:47.41]Our words fill up the pages [01:55.19]Fill up the days with [01:59.81]A song for the ages [02:05.55]Still those browse and we all speak [02:13.86]We break down like concrete [02:18.64]And just make our words cheap [02:24.35]I want someone to grow with [02:32.69]Songs I can sing to [02:37.13]And a family to cling to [02:41.62]But if I can't get the things I want [02:46.06]If I can't get the things I want [02:50.97]Just give me what I need [03:00.43]Just give me what I need [by:塞巴斯蒂安没有玫瑰花] [00:28.11]我在车站这里等候着 [00:36.18]记忆模糊了 [00:40.68]我想那时为时已晚 [00:46.35]我安静地伫立着 [00:54.62]我们好像两台电梯 [00:59.53]拥挤着人潮 [01:05.36]安安静静 没有祷告声 [01:13.27]乘坐在归家的那辆列车上 我还是会祈祷 [01:22.49]希望自己得偿所愿 [01:27.16]祝自己得偿所愿 [01:31.76]愿我所需 皆有馈赠 [01:47.41]你我的话语 几页纸都写不完 [01:55.19]花上几天的时间也道不尽 [01:59.81]一曲便可吟完年华 [02:05.55]我俩谈笑风生 旁若无人 [02:13.86]虽情比金坚 可还是有破裂的那一天 [02:18.64]过往的甜言蜜语如今也变得无味了 [02:24.35]愿得一人 相伴终老 [02:32.69]愿得一首歌 我也会吟唱 [02:37.13]愿有一家人 我能终日牵挂 [02:41.62]倘若我不能得偿所愿 [02:46.06]倘若我未能得偿所愿 [02:50.97]赋我所需 仅此而已 [03:00.43]赋我所需 仅此而已

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