Not With You歌词 歌手Sophie Zelmani-专辑I'm The Rain-单曲《Not With You》LRC歌词下载

桐花思雨2021-12-08  102

导读:《Not With You》歌词 歌手Sophie Zelmani的专辑I'm The Rain单曲《Not With You》LRC歌词下载,《Not With You》歌词分享。…

Not With You歌词 歌手Sophie Zelmani-专辑I'm The Rain-单曲《Not With You》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《Not With You》
歌手:Sophie Zelmani
专辑:I'm The Rain

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《Not With You》歌词:

[00:26.00]Kissed by the rain not by you [00:32.65]Warmed by the spring not by you [00:38.99]Held in a ring dance not by you [00:45.51]Touched by a ghost not by you [01:05.01]Hours on the shore not with you [01:11.11]Filled by the wind not by you [01:17.45]Long for the evening not for you [01:23.56]All those feelings not for you [01:54.42]I'm here I'm here I'm flying [02:01.72]I might only miss one thing [02:08.39]I have stopped to talk about it [02:14.77]But it could be dream [02:31.89]Taking a picture not of you [02:38.19]Remembering times not with you [02:44.47]Love has nothing more to do [02:51.47]I'm here not with you [by:初夏的微笑] [00:26.00]雨水亲吻着我 而非你 [00:32.65]熙春温暖着我 而非你 [00:38.99]圈舞中我被人簇拥 而非你 [00:45.51]我被游魂轻抚 而非你 [01:05.01]孑身度过在海岸边的时光 而非与你一起 [01:11.11]风盈满我的身心 而非你 [01:17.45]我期待着夜幕 而非你 [01:23.56]这些点滴情绪 皆非为你而存在 [01:54.42]我在这里 我在这里 迎风而起 [02:01.72]也许我唯有一事留恋 [02:08.39]我会驻足说起 [02:14.77]可那或许只是幻梦 [02:31.89]我拿起相片 相片中的人不是你 [02:38.19]我回忆着 未与你在一起的光阴 [02:44.47]再无其他 能让我为爱倾注 [02:51.47]我在这里 你不在身旁


