Nine Point Eight歌词 歌手Mili-专辑Deemo Official Soundtrack Vol.1-单曲《Nine Point Eight》LRC歌词下载

纪夏浮梦2021-12-06  78

导读:《Nine Point Eight》歌词 歌手Mili的专辑Deemo Official Soundtrack Vol.1单曲《Nine Point Eight》LRC歌词下载,《Nine Point Eight》歌词分享。…

Nine Point Eight歌词 歌手Mili-专辑Deemo Official Soundtrack Vol.1-单曲《Nine Point Eight》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《Nine Point Eight》
专辑:Deemo Official Soundtrack Vol.1

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《Nine Point Eight》歌词:

[00:00.25]Nine Point Eight - Mili [00:01.21] [00:25.13]Calla lily, carnation, daisy [00:27.30]Silently chase away your worries [00:30.73] [00:31.35]Chrysanthemum, kalanchoe [00:33.41]Become your shield [00:34.38]whenever you fall asleep [00:36.38]I cried out [00:39.13]Please don't leave me behind, [00:40.91]leave me behind [00:41.90]So you held me tight [00:44.70]And said I will be just fine, [00:46.46]I will be just fine, [00:47.62]I will be just fine [00:48.92] [00:51.54]Petals dance for our valediction [00:54.03]And synchronize to [00:55.18]your frozen pulsation [00:57.19]Take me to where your soul [00:58.54]may live in peace [00:59.94]Final destination [01:02.42] [01:03.26]Touch of your skin sympathetically [01:05.32]brushed against [01:06.00]The shoulders you used to embrace [01:09.00]Sparkling ashes drift along your flames [01:11.51]And softly merge into the sky [01:16.28] [01:38.31]Lisianthus [01:40.70]Aroma drags me out of where I was [01:43.58] [01:44.51]Cream rose, stargazer, iris [01:46.52]Construct the map that helps me [01:48.55]trace your steps [01:49.69]Zipped my mouth [01:52.28]I just keep climbing up, [01:53.94]keep climbing up [01:54.91]Justify our vows [01:58.04]I know you are right above, [01:59.79]you are right above, [02:00.77]you are right above [02:02.17] [02:04.76]Look now [02:06.51] [02:07.11]I'm on the top of your world, [02:09.24]top of your world [02:10.25]My darling [02:12.43] [02:13.10]Here I come, I yell [02:14.33]And take a leap to Hell [02:19.09] [02:29.52]Swirling wind sings for our reunion [02:31.98]And nine point eight [02:33.22]is my acceleration [02:35.39]Take me to where our souls [02:36.78]may live in peace [02:38.05]Our brand new commencement [02:41.26]Touch of your lips compassionately [02:43.07]pressed against [02:43.91]The skull that you used to cherish [02:46.59] [02:47.15]Delicate flesh decomposes [02:48.44]off my rotten bones [02:49.84]And softly merge into the sky [by:辉人] [00:00.25](感谢deemo吧友的提供) [00:25.13]马蹄莲、康乃馨、雏菊 [00:27.30]默默地驱散你的忧虑 [00:31.35]菊花、长寿花 [00:33.41]都会是你的保护盾 [00:34.38]无论你何时酣睡 [00:36.38]我哭了出来 [00:39.13]拜托,不要丢下我 [00:40.91]我不要一个人留在这里 [00:41.90]于是你抱紧我 [00:44.70]对我说我会没事的 [00:46.46]我会没事的 [00:47.62]我会没事的 [00:51.54]花瓣因为我们的惜别翩翩起舞 [00:54.03]并同步到 [00:55.18]你冰冻的脉搏 [00:57.19]带领我前往你灵魂 [00:58.54]可以和平生活的 [00:59.94]最终目的地 [01:03.26]你的肌肤 [01:05.32]温柔地蹭著 [01:06.00]你曾经拥抱的肩膀 [01:09.00]你那闪烁的灰烬沿著火焰 [01:11.51]轻轻地融化到这片天空里 [01:38.31]桔梗 [01:40.70]香气将我拉离了原本的地方 [01:44.51]白玫瑰、葵白合、鸢尾花 [01:46.52]铺设成地图 [01:48.55]帮助我追随你的脚步 [01:49.69]我紧闭双唇 [01:52.28]只是不断向上爬 [01:53.94]不断向上爬 [01:54.91]为了证明我们的誓言 [01:58.04]我知道你就在那里 [01:59.79]就在上面 [02:00.77]就在上面 [02:04.76]看现在 [02:07.11]我已经站在了 [02:09.24]你世界的顶端 [02:10.25]亲爱的 [02:13.10]我大喊「我来了」 [02:14.33]然后大步跃进这地狱 [02:29.52]刮起的旋风为我们的重逢歌唱 [02:31.98]9.8m/s^2 [02:33.22]是我的加速度 [02:35.39]带我到我们的灵魂 [02:36.78]可以获得平静的地方 [02:38.05]让我们重新开始 [02:41.26]你温柔的嘴 [02:43.07]亲吻著 [02:43.91]这个你所珍爱的头颅 [02:47.15]你纤细的唇解开了 [02:48.44]我腐朽的骨头 [02:49.84]轻轻地融化到这片天空里


