Celluloid Heroes歌词 歌手The Kinks-专辑The Ultimate Collection-单曲《Celluloid Heroes》LRC歌词下载

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导读:《Celluloid Heroes》歌词 歌手The Kinks的专辑The Ultimate Collection单曲《Celluloid Heroes》LRC歌词下载,《Celluloid Heroes》歌词分享。…

Celluloid Heroes歌词 歌手The Kinks-专辑The Ultimate Collection-单曲《Celluloid Heroes》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《Celluloid Heroes》
歌手:The Kinks
专辑:The Ultimate Collection

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《Celluloid Heroes》歌词:

[00:00.000] 作曲 : Ray Davies [00:27.660]Everybody's a dreamer and everybody's a star [00:35.590]And everybody's in movies it doesnt't't matter who you are [00:43.070]There are stars in every city [00:47.120]In every house and on every street [00:51.190]And if you walk down Hollywood boulevard [00:55.240]Their names are written in concrete [01:06.510]Don't step on Greta Garbo as you walk down the boulevard [01:13.790]She looks so weak and fragile that's why she tried to be so hard [01:21.340]But they turned her into a princess [01:25.400]And they sat her on a throne [01:29.570]But she turned her back on stardom [01:33.380]Because she wanted to be alone [01:39.420]You can see all the stars as you walk down hollywood boulevard [01:47.810]Some that you recognise some that you've hardly even heard of [01:55.890]People who worked and suffered and struggled for fame [02:03.720]Some who succeeded and some who suffered in vain [02:11.960]Rudolph valentino looks very much alive [02:19.220]And he looks up ladies dresses as they sadly pass him by [02:27.250]Avoid stepping on bela lugosi [02:31.290]Cos he's liable to turn and bite [02:35.300]But stand close by bette davis [02:39.320]Because hers was such a lonely life [02:45.260]You can see all the stars as you walk down hollywood boulevard [02:53.560]Some that you recognise some that youve hardly even heard of [03:01.600]People who worked and suffered and struggled for fame [03:09.270]Some who succeeded and some who suffered in vain [03:17.560]Everybody's a dreamer and everybody's a star [03:25.130]And everybody's in show biz it doesnt't't matter who you are [03:33.120]And those who are successful [03:37.110]Be always on your guard [03:40.550]Success walks hand in hand with failure [03:44.650]Along Hollywood boulevard [03:50.420]You can see all the stars as you walk along hollywood boulevard [03:58.750]Some that you recognise some that youve hardly even heard of [04:06.710]People who worked and suffered and struggled for fame [04:14.410]Some who succeeded and some who suffered in vain [04:21.760]Lalalalala lalalalala [04:37.440]Lalalalala lalalalala [04:53.570]I wish my life was a non-stop hollywood movie show [05:01.410]A fantasy world of celluloid villains and heroes [05:08.900]Because celluloid heroes never feel any pain [05:16.830]And celluloid heroes never really die [by:Jayant_Ron] [00:27.660]每人都是梦想家,每人都是明星 [00:35.590]银幕中的每个人,无论是谁 [00:43.070]每个城市 ,每所房屋,每条街道 [00:47.120]都有熠熠星辉 [00:51.190]若你漫步好莱坞的星光大道 [00:55.240]他们的名字铭刻于此 [01:06.510]沿途而行时不要踩到葛丽泰·嘉宝 [01:13.790]她看起来如此脆弱,所以她总故作坚强 [01:21.340]他们把她捧为公主 [01:25.400]位居宝座 [01:29.570]她却转身离去 [01:33.380]她想独自一人 [01:39.420]你可以在这看到所有的明星 [01:47.810]有些你耳熟能详,有些你从未听闻 [01:55.890]他们是为成功拼搏的人 [02:03.720]有些人功成名就,有些人徒劳无功 [02:11.960]鲁道夫·瓦伦蒂诺总是神采奕奕 [02:19.220]却因他的妩媚装扮备受众议 [02:27.250]千万不要踩到贝拉·卢戈西 [02:31.290]因为他会转身咬你 [02:35.300]请靠近贝蒂·戴维斯 [02:39.320]她的人生是如此孤独 [02:45.260]你可以在这看到所有的明星 [02:53.560]有些你耳熟能详,有些你从未听闻 [03:01.600]他们是为成功努力拼搏之人 [03:09.270]有些人功成名就,有些人徒劳无功 [03:17.560]每人都是梦想家,每人都是明星 [03:25.130]身居娱乐圈的人,无论是谁 [03:33.120]那些功成名就之人 [03:37.110]会永远守护你身旁 [03:40.550]成功者与失败者携手并行 [03:44.650]在好莱坞的星光大道 [03:50.420]你可以看到所有的明星 [03:58.750]有些你耳熟能详,有些你从未听闻 [04:06.710]他们是为成功努力拼搏之人 [04:14.410]有些人功成名就,有些人徒劳无功 [04:21.760]Lalalalala lalalalala [04:37.440]Lalalalala lalalalala [04:53.570]我希望我的人生是一场永不谢幕的电影 [05:01.410]恶棍和英雄构成的幻想世界 [05:08.900]因为银幕里的英雄永远不会受伤 [05:16.830]永远不会被击溃消逝

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