Like We Do歌词 歌手Martin Carlos-专辑Like We Do-单曲《Like We Do》LRC歌词下载

月殇魂2022-05-19  103

导读:《Like We Do》歌词 歌手Martin Carlos的专辑Like We Do单曲《Like We Do》LRC歌词下载,《Like We Do》歌词分享。…

Like We Do歌词 歌手Martin Carlos-专辑Like We Do-单曲《Like We Do》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《Like We Do》
歌手:Martin Carlos
专辑:Like We Do

点击试听 → 《Like We Do

《Like We Do》歌词:

作词 : Martin Carlos 作曲 : Martin Carlos 编曲 : Martin Carlos Martin Carlos – Like We Do You see it’s far to tell just what I am thinking 我的奇思妙想你捉摸不透 You think it’s hard to see but how my smile 我的强颜欢笑让你无所适从 I see the other one let you I get a hard 不可多得会让你进退两难 You feel want too 耿耿于怀 You can ask me anything no worth between us 敞开心扉才可以将心比心 In a mask I will tell you all my secrets 即使问心有愧我也会敞开心扉 No more secrets no no no more secrets 同居长干里,两小无嫌猜 No more secrets no no no more secrets 同居长干里,两小无嫌猜 Wanna show you show you all my feelings 希望我们可以感同身受 Own the good to keep you all know secrets 我们拥有美好,秘而不宣 Wanna show you show you all my feelings 希望我们可以无微不至 Own the good to keep you all know secrets 我们拥有美好,讳莫如深 You see it’s far to tell just what I am thinking 我的奇思妙想你捉摸不透 You think it’s hard to see but how my smile 我的强颜欢笑让你无所适从 I see the other one let you I get a hard 不可多得会让你进退两难 You feel want too 耿耿于怀 You can ask me anything no worth between us 敞开心扉才可以将心比心 In a mask I will tell you all my secrets 即使问心有愧我也会敞开心扉 No more secrets no no no more secrets 同居长干里,两小无嫌猜 No more secrets no no no more secrets 同居长干里,两小无嫌猜 Wanna show you show you all my feelings 希望我们可以感同身受 Own the good to keep you all know secrets 我们拥有美好,秘而不宣 Wanna show you show you all my feelings 希望我们可以无微不至 Own the good to keep you all know secrets 我们拥有美好,讳莫如深


