What A Broken Heart Can Do歌词 歌手間宮貴子-专辑Love Trip-单曲《What A Broken Heart Can Do》LRC歌词下载

部落玩家2022-05-05  84

导读:《What A Broken Heart Can Do》歌词 歌手間宮貴子的专辑Love Trip单曲《What A Broken Heart Can Do》LRC歌词下载,《What A Broken Heart Can Do》歌词分享。…

What A Broken Heart Can Do歌词 歌手間宮貴子-专辑Love Trip-单曲《What A Broken Heart Can Do》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《What A Broken Heart Can Do》
专辑:Love Trip

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《What A Broken Heart Can Do》歌词:

[00:18.979]I'm just a freak here at the sideshow [00:24.237]Where all the people can look at me [00:29.751]Between the strong man and the tattooed lady [00:35.012]I'm here to look at, not to see [00:40.272]They pay their 50'second and walk on through [00:45.785]They quickly glance and look away [00:51.048]And through my glass wools I can watch them [00:55.304]Hold, there's the children cross to say [01:01.569]That's what a broken heart can do [01:06.834]It's why the angels ignore her [01:12.350]That's what a broken heart can do [01:17.608]There is no wire or strings [01:21.117]She lost everything [01:28.140]But I promise that it won't happen to you [01:54.937]I see all the young couples passing by [02:00.199]And watch them catch each other tight [02:05.457]Then one will whisper to the other [02:09.719]Please, won't you stay with me tonight? [02:15.985]I've seen the hard looks and the empty stares [02:21.253]I've heard the sighs and silent screams [02:26.762]I've felt the pain that comes when no ones cares [02:30.519]Know the ache of your worst dreams [02:37.034]This is what a broken heart can do [02:42.541]It's why the angels ignore me [02:47.803]This is what a broken heart can do [02:53.066]There is no wire or strings [02:56.822]I've lost everything [03:03.086]Don't be sure that it won't happen to you

本文地址: https://www.gexing800.com/read-167606.html

