Let It All Go歌词 歌手RhodesBirdy-专辑Wishes-单曲《Let It All Go》LRC歌词下载

深得溅2022-04-01  76

导读:《Let It All Go》歌词 歌手RhodesBirdy的专辑Wishes单曲《Let It All Go》LRC歌词下载,《Let It All Go》歌词分享。…

歌曲:《Let It All Go》
歌手:Rhodes / Birdy

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《Let It All Go》歌词:

[00:23.22]I been sleepless at night [00:27.92]Cause I don't know how I feel [00:32.55]I been waiting on you [00:37.25]Just to say something real [00:41.89]There's a light on the road and I think you know [00:48.13]Morning has come and I have to go [00:57.22]I don't know why, I don't know why [01:03.31]We need to break so hard [01:05.66]I don't know why we break so hard [01:14.25]But if we're strong enough to let it in [01:23.72]We're strong enough to let it go (oh oh oh oh) [01:31.42]Let it all go [01:33.02]Let it all go [01:34.66]Let it all out now [01:40.02]If I look back to the start, now I know [01:44.70]I see everything true [01:49.09]There's still a fire in my heart, my darling [01:53.88]But I'm not burning for you [01:58.98]We've started it wrong and I think you know [02:04.82]We waited too long, now I have to go [02:14.16]I don't know why, I don't know why [02:19.45]We need to break so hard [02:22.34]I don't know why we break so hard [02:31.47]But if we're strong enough to let it in [02:41.01]We're strong enough to let it go (oh oh oh oh) [02:48.89]Let it all go [02:50.48]Let it all go [02:51.93]Let it all out now [02:57.77]Let it all go [02:59.46]Let it all go [03:01.11]Let it all out now [03:07.60]Who says truth is, beauty after all [03:36.72]And who says love should break us when we fall [03:47.89]But if we're strong enough to let it in [03:57.34]We're strong enough to let it go (oh oh oh oh) [04:05.08]Let it all go [04:07.03]Let it all go [04:08.58]Let it all out now [04:14.55]Let it all go [04:16.10]Let it all go [04:17.79]Let it all out now [04:24.58]We're strong enough to let it go (oh oh oh oh) [by:Novachy] [00:23.22]是夜 我辗转难眠 [00:27.92]因为我不知怎会有这种感受 [00:32.55]我一直在等你开口 [00:37.25]只为与你互诉衷肠 [00:41.89]一线光隐现于前路 我想你应该明白 [00:48.13]黎明已经降临 而我也该启程 [00:57.22]我真的不明白 我真的不明白 [01:03.31]我们为何会如此难以割舍 [01:05.66]我不明白为何我们要这样拖泥带水 [01:14.25]若是你我能坦然地面对这一切 [01:23.72]也就能坚强地结束这段感情了 [01:31.42]将过往悉数释怀 [01:33.02]让旧爱自此尘封 [01:34.66]即刻挥别这一切 [01:40.02]倘若我回望最初的开端 此刻我也就明了 [01:44.70]我便能客观地审视一切 [01:49.09]我的心中虽仍残留着热望 我的爱人 [01:53.88]但那并非是为你而燃烧 [01:58.98]我们的开始本就是个错误 想必你也知道 [02:04.82]我们已经蹉跎了太久 现在我必须抽身离去 [02:14.16]我真的不明白 我真的不明白 [02:19.45]我们为何会如此难以割舍 [02:22.34]我不明白为何我们要这样拖泥带水 [02:31.47]若是你我能坦然地面对这一切 [02:41.01]也就能坚强地结束这段感情了 [02:48.89]将过往悉数释怀 [02:50.48]让旧爱自此尘封 [02:51.93]即刻挥别这一切 [02:57.77]将过往悉数释怀 [02:59.46]让旧爱自此尘封 [03:01.11]即刻挥别这一切 [03:07.60]谁说真情必会历久弥新 [03:36.72]又是谁说 爱定然会在分手之际让我们奔溃 [03:47.89]若是你我能坦然地面对这一切 [03:57.34]也就能坚强地结束这段感情了 [04:05.08]将过往悉数释怀 [04:07.03]让旧爱自此尘封 [04:08.58]即刻挥别这一切 [04:14.55]将过往悉数释怀 [04:16.10]让旧爱自此尘封 [04:17.79]即刻挥别这一切 [04:24.58]我们的内心其实已经足够强大 足以承受别离了

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