Other Girl歌词 歌手Morgan PageRAYLA-专辑Other Girl-单曲《Other Girl》LRC歌词下载

雪月风花2021-12-06  90

导读:《Other Girl》歌词 歌手Morgan PageRAYLA的专辑Other Girl单曲《Other Girl》LRC歌词下载,《Other Girl》歌词分享。…

Other Girl歌词 歌手Morgan Page / RAYLA-专辑Other Girl-单曲《Other Girl》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《Other Girl》
歌手:Morgan Page / RAYLA
专辑:Other Girl

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《Other Girl》歌词:

[00:02.36]So I know this girl [00:04.41]I caught her pretty pictures on your phone [00:11.12]Is she the blonde with the curls? [00:13.62]I knew I couldn't trust you all along [00:19.74]You said it was nothing like it was [00:24.43]Meanwhile you at her place making up [00:28.97]How do you say I'm the one who's wrong [00:32.99]When you're a thief? [00:34.63] [00:36.48]'Cause you stole my heart but [00:37.43]I'm better than that other girl [00:41.41]Oh, I feel sorry for that other girl [00:46.10]She's left to deal with all them other girls [00:50.58]Damn, I'm so glad I'm not your girl, I'm not your girl [00:55.02] [01:15.25]Let's say you got what you want [01:16.69]It's amazing how you always get your way [01:23.77]You still play little games with my brain [01:27.10]What makes you think that it's okay? [01:31.89]Like when you said it was nothing what it was [01:36.87]Her name is rolling off your lying tongue [01:41.41]How dare you say that I'm the one who's wrong [01:45.98]When you're a thief? [01:47.92] [01:49.52]'Cause you stole my heart but [01:50.77]I'm better than that other girl [01:54.61]Oh, I feel sorry for that other girl [01:59.19]She's left to deal with all them other girls [02:03.73]Damn, I'm so glad I'm not your girl, I'm not your girl [02:09.85] [02:28.58]That other girl [02:31.23]Oh, I feel sorry for that other girl [02:35.91]She's left to deal with all them other girls [02:40.49]Damn, I'm so glad I'm not your girl, I'm not your girl [02:50.46]I'm not your girl, I'm not your, I'm not your girl [by:Winson1984] [00:02.36]我认得这个女孩 [00:04.41]我在你手机里看到她的那些靓照了 [00:11.12]是那个金色卷发的女孩吧? [00:13.62]我就该知道不能一直这么信你的鬼话 [00:19.74]你说事情并不是你看上去的那样 [00:24.43]期间在她床上你也是各种花言巧语 [00:28.97]你自己就是个小偷,负心汉 [00:32.99]怎么能说我才是做错的那个人呢? [00:36.48]骗我对你掏心掏肺 [00:37.43]但我可比那个女的好过多了 [00:41.41]噢,对她深表同情 [00:46.10]她日后还得对付你那些小三小四呢 [00:50.58]去你的,老娘不奉陪了,你爱跟谁跟谁吧 [01:15.25]就当是我成全你了 [01:16.69]你总是得逞很开心吧 [01:23.77]还在我面前玩弄你的小把戏 [01:27.10]你怎么脸皮这么厚哟 [01:31.89]就跟那时找了小三还在我面前狡辩一样 [01:36.87]可鬼才知道你俩已经鬼混了多久 [01:41.41]人渣啊人渣 [01:45.98]怎么好意思说我才是错的那一方哦? [01:49.52]偷走了我的心,还玩弄我的感情 [01:50.77]可老娘比那个女的不知快活多少倍 [01:54.61]噢,想想就为她感到悲哀 [01:59.19]她还得留下来给你个渣男抹屁股呢 [02:03.73]去你的吧,老娘走了,不陪你玩了 [02:28.58]那个女的 [02:31.23]噢,真可怜她哟 [02:35.91]还要给你处理那些风流债 [02:40.49]见鬼去吧,离开你我不知有多快活 [02:50.46]你继续风流吧,我们也到此为止,没你我照样快活

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