We're Good歌词 歌手Dua Lipa-专辑Future Nostalgia (The Moonlight Edition)-单曲《We're Good》LRC歌词下载

淡陌2021-11-23  95

导读:《We're Good》歌词 歌手Dua Lipa的专辑Future Nostalgia (The Moonlight Edition)单曲《We're Good》LRC歌词下载,《We're Good》歌词分…

We're Good歌词 歌手Dua Lipa-专辑Future Nostalgia (The Moonlight Edition)-单曲《We're Good》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《We're Good》
歌手:Dua Lipa
专辑:Future Nostalgia (The Moonlight Edition)

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《We're Good》歌词:

[00:00.000] 作曲 : Dua Lipa/Emily Warren/Scott Harris/Sylvester Willy Sivertsen [00:06.465]I'm on an island, even when you're close [00:13.824]Can't take the silence, I'd rather be alone [00:21.316]I think it's pretty plain and simple, we gave it all we could [00:28.347]It's time I wave goodbye from the window [00:32.059]Let's end this like we should and say we're good [00:36.645]We're not meant to be, like sleeping and cocaine [00:43.630]So let's at least agree to go our separate ways [00:50.090] Not gonna judge you when you're with somebody else [00:53.590]As long as you swear you won't be pissed when I do it myself [00:57.022]Let's end it like we should and say we're good [01:03.821]No need to hide it, go get what you want [01:10.645]This won't be a burden if we both don't hold a grudge [01:18.570]I think it's pretty plain and simple, we gave it all we could [01:25.681]It's time I wave goodbye from the window [01:29.300]Let's end this like we should and say we're good [01:33.973]We're not meant to be, like sleeping and cocaine [01:40.859]So let's at least agree to go our separate ways [01:47.503]Not gonna judge you when you're with somebody else [01:51.074]As long as you swear you won't be pissed when I do it myself [01:54.198]Let's end it like we should and say we're good [01:58.363]Now you're holding this against me, like I knew you would [02:05.077]I'm trying my best to make this easy [02:08.756]So don't give me that look, just say we're good [02:13.358]We're not meant to be, like sleeping and cocaine [02:20.344]So let's at least agree to go our separate ways, oh [02:26.905]Not gonna judge you when you're with somebody else [02:30.342]As long as you swear you won't be pissed when I do it myself [02:33.656]Let's end it like we should and say we're good [02:34.841] 音频助理 : Brian Cruz [02:36.026] 混音师 : Josh Gudwin [02:37.211] 音频工程师 : Greg Eliason/Sly [02:38.396] 吉他 : Andreas Lund/Scott Harris [02:39.581] 混音助理 : Heidi Wang [02:40.766] 母带助理 : Will Quinnell [02:41.951] 人声制作 : Emily Warren/Scott Harris [02:43.136] 和声 : Caroline Ailin/Emily Warren/Scott Harris/Sylvester Willy Sivertsen/Tara Siegel/Zach Gurka [02:44.321] 母带工程师 : Chris Gehringer [02:45.506] 人声 : Dua Lipa [by:] [00:06.465]我独伫孤岛 甚至你的到来 [00:13.824]都无法打破宁静 我还是更愿独处 [00:21.316]道理很简单 我们都已竭尽全力 [00:28.347]我也该在窗边 向你挥手告别了 [00:32.059]就这样和平结束 各自安好吧 [00:36.645]就像可卡因导致睡眠不足 我们也本就不般配 [00:43.630]分道扬镳何尝不是最好结局呢 [00:50.090]当你另寻新欢 我不会过多评判你 [00:53.590]只求当我再觅新人时 你也不要愤恨不平就好 [00:57.022]就这样和平结束 各自安好吧 [01:03.821]追逐心之所向 无需隐藏 [01:10.645]既然互不仇视 那双方都将无负担 [01:18.570]道理很简单 我们都已竭尽全力 [01:25.681]我也该在窗边 向你挥手告别了 [01:29.300]就这样和平结束 各自安好吧 [01:33.973]就像可卡因导致睡眠不足 我们也本就不般配 [01:40.859]分道扬镳何尝不是最好的结局呢 [01:47.503]当你另寻新欢 我不会过多评判你 [01:51.074]只求当我再觅新人时 你也不要愤恨不平就好 [01:54.198]就这样和平结束 各自安好吧 [01:58.363]正如我所想 你果然会借此来怼我 [02:05.077]我竭力解除纠纷 所以 [02:08.756]别再用那种眼神看我 我们互不打扰 各自安好 [02:13.358]就像可卡因导致睡眠不足 我们也本就不般配 [02:20.344]分道扬镳何尝不是最好的结局呢 [02:26.905]当你另寻新欢 我不会过多评判你 [02:30.342]只求当我再觅新人时 你也不要愤恨不平就好 [02:33.656]就这样和平结束 各自安好吧

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